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Collaborating with Google Docs, PI, and Lin

 Baking Party Playlist

The above document is the product of a collaborative approach to playlist creation and vetting for a shared event among friends. Using Pi.AI to generate a list of musical suggestions, my co-doc editor Lin Zelaya and I worked together to vet and annotate the list provided by the AI chatbot. 

The collaboration was key in making sure the list was brought into a usable form. The collaborative features of Google Docs also allowed us to enjoy conversation and real time task completion and allowed us to work together using process and creativity to reach a finalized playlist.

Google docs embedded in Blogger is clunky, and finding setting that allowed review of both our work and chatter proved a bit finicky. Ultimately, while the doc collaboration was a creativity boosting exercise, trying to get the different tools to work with one another was a challenge.


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