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Final Project: A Course for Climate-Friendly Identity Development (Rough Draft)

Course Slides

Course Population Target: Community Members (teen and adult learners)

Learning Outcome

Using Google Maps and Slides reflect in writing, art, and conversation on experiences that explore one’s personal identity as climate-friendly. Specifically in the realms of place identity, connectedness to nature, environmental self-identity, and social identity.


Use the provided Map to pick 4 field trips on Google Maps (1-2 climate related events for place and social identity, 1-2 connectedness to nature) - reflect on each experience in the Maps atmosphere or your Google Slide page

Find 1 environmental organization off of a provided list to attend a meeting of and explore the website of. Post a picture of attendance or proof of participation to the shared Google Slide with your name on it.

Identify one climate change question or hesitation that you have or have encountered and reflect on what feelings these bring up and how you might address them

Share one climate-friendly practice that you engage in and plan to continue doing.

Identify one way you have integrated your experiences into your life (ex: subscribed to a newsletter, planned another trip to connect with nature, put repeat meetings for the org you visited in your calendar)

Need to Create:
Annotated list of 20 Orgs across a range of modalities, intents, and audiences (activism, lobby, conservation, social justice, etc.)
Google Map with attached event list. About 20 suggested locations, networked connection points for participants to choose from (permaculture gardens open to public, nature reserves, museums, water conservation plants, homesteads, solar farms, sustainable living communities, recycling plants, etc.)

Class Shared Google Doc for keeping in touch ... explore other communication apps
Tutorials on screen capture, Google Docs use and linking, attaching images in Google Slides, using the comment section, discussion engagement agreement, AI policy, safety notice and release for travel and field trips

Vesely, S., Masson T., Chokrai, P., Becker, A., Fritsche, I., Christian A. Tiberio, K.L., Carrus, G., Panno, A., Climate change action as a project of identity: Eight meta-analyses. Global Environmental Change, (70). 2021. 
Accessed via


We conducted a series of eight meta-analyses investigating the associations between four types of identity:
1. place identity
2. connectedness to nature
3. environmental self-identity
4. social identity
And climate-friendly outcomes. Our findings indicate that all studied identity variables have a marked positive influence on the formation of people’s climate-friendly intentions and the enactment of climate-friendly behaviors. Specifically, we found substantial correlations between climate-friendly outcomes and environmental self-identity, connectedness to nature, and pro-environmental social identities. In contrast, the links between climate-friendly outcomes and place identity or social identities with no clear focus on environmental protection (i.e., neutral identities) were less pronounced.

Perhaps, strong pro-environmental identities specifically motivate people to overcome possible obstacles to translating intentions to behavior (Lapinski et al., 2017): Highly identified people may pro-actively seek and create opportunities for implementing climate action in their everyday behavior. When identity is focal, it is the intrinsic motivation to express who you are that fosters climate-friendly behavior, leaving less power to extrinsic factors such as money or time constraints.

Design Document (paper)
  • Target audience – who are the learners? Describe them in detail.
  • Context – is this for a school or a business or organization or something else? Describe the context in detail.
  • Learning objectives – what should the learners know or be able to do as a result of this lesson/intervention? (not what they will do during the lesson, but what will they have learned that they can do in the future)
  • Detailed Description of lesson/intervention
  • Explanation of which online tools will be incorporated
  • Detailed description of what you as the instructor will create for your students thatinvolves these online tools and/or what exactly students will be expected to do or
  • create that involves these online tools
  • Justification - recalling the concept of Computer Imagination, justify the incorporation of each of
  • the online tools used in your lesson/intervention; why are they better options than other low-
  • tech alternatives? For instance, why a blog and not a paper journal; why Google Maps and not a
  • paper map taped to the wall with colored pushpins? I want to see that the tools you are
  • choosing are not arbitrary. Demonstrate that you have carefully thought this through.
  • Artifact (tool you create)
  • This will be either an example of what you would create for your students with one of the tools
  • or an example of what your students would be expected to create using one of the tools you
  • learned about this semester. So, for example, you will create for this assignment an actual
  • Google Map and activity or Website or Podcast, etc. (please ask if this isn’t clear)
  • IMPORTANT – READ CAREFULLY: To be clear, you will design your project to include two tools,
  • but you only need to create an artifact for this assignment from one of those two tools.
  • Include a link to your artifact in your Design Document


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